Monday, January 2, 2012

My Plans For 2012

1. Let hair grow long...
2. Visit Kati in Norfolk!!! IF I don't get lost...
3. Get 2+ yrs worth of pictures into albums.
4. Sell diamond and buy BOOBS ;)
5. Go to work fulltime.
6. Pay off as much credit card debt as possible.
7. Cook more (not feeling real hopeful bout this one)...
8. Finish Morgan's baby book - because he is now FIVE :)
9. Get divorce finalized...
10. Be more patient with my boys and enjoy them more. Stay positive, worry less and BE HAPPY! :)

Longterm Goals: 
Look at house plans, pick out one for my little family of 3, and DREAM :)
Would love to write a book - Not this year, but ONE day...
Maybe meet someone who will sweep me off my feet... If not, I've realized I really can be "just peachy" all on my own :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Scarlett! I think you should write a book! I'll buy it!
