Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Wyatt!

My sweet Wyatt is 9 years old today!  And, he's not home with me...  It's his weekend to be at his dad's house.  Not being with him on this special day hurts worse than giving birth with no epidural :(  Nine years ago I never would have dreamed we would have a broken home and I wouldn't be with him on his birthday.  But... I know he's having a fun time and I know our family is better off.  Already talked to him this morning and today being his "actual" birthday doesn't even mean that much to him.  He's a kid - all he's worried about is presents and cake :)

Kinda thought I might spend the day in tears, but surprisingly (and happily) not.  Even looked through his baby book last night without crying :)  As each day passes, I'm more sure that the right decision has been made and we are all happier.  Makes life much easier for a mama :)

Happy Birthday Wyatt!  Mommy loves you with all her heart! :)